Tuesday, June 24, 2008

REF - BP's 2008 Statistical Energy Report

British Petroleum (BP) just recently released their annual WW Energy Report (aka the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2008) and inside are some interesting charts + data related to the WW Reserves + Consumption trends of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Nuclear, etc. If you're curious (and you probably should be because ENERGY is inve$tible) then check out the impressive Adobe file per the below link:



*For reference's sake I'm including below a couple of the more interesting charts I found on page 42 of the report (Double-click the images for a much needed larger view...per the color key below, Grey = Coal...Blue = Hydroelectricity...Orange = Nuclear...Red = Natural Gas...Green= Crude Oil):

*A couple of notes/observations per the Above Charts + Report:

A.) Ranking WW 2007 Consumption by Source (from most to least):

1. Crude Oil - 36%

2. Coal - 29%

3. Natural Gas - 24%

4. Hydroelectricity - 6%

5. Nuclear Energy - 5%


B.) REGIONAL Consumption by Source Breakdown:

accounted for: 51% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption...46% of South America's...40% of North America's...40% of Africa's...32% of Europe's and 31% of AP's 2007 energy consumption

* COAL accounted for: 50% of the Asia Pacific's 2007 energy consumption...31% of Africa's...22% of NA's...18% of Europe's...4% of SA's and 1% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption

accounted for: 47% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption...35% of Europe's...26% of NA's...22% of SA's...22% of Africa's and 11% of AP's 2007 energy consumption

accounted for: 9% of Europe's 2007 energy consumption...8% of NA's...3% of AP's...0.8% of SA's...0.8% of Africa's and 0% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption

accounted for: 28% of SA's 2007 energy consumption...6% of Europe's...6% of Africa's...5% of NA's...5% of AP's and 0.9% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption


C.) B.R.I.C, U.S. + Canada Consumption by Source

: 45% Oil, 39% Hydro, 9% NGas, 6% Coal and 1% Nuclear

: 57% NGas, 18% Oil, 14% Coal, 6% Hydro and 5% Nuclear

: 51% Coal, 32% Oil, 9% NGas, 7% Hydro and 1% Nuclear

: 70% Coal, 20% Oil, 6% Hydro, 3% NGas and 1% Nuclear

40% Oil, 25% NGas, 24% Coal, 8% Nuclear and 3% Hydro

: 32% Oil, 26% Hydro, 26% NGas, 9% Coal, and 7% Nuclear


D.) Other Misc. Regional notes

- The Asia Pacific region consumes much more coal than anyone else (by far)...about 50% of AP's total 2007 energy consumption was coal (as noted above, India = 51% and CHINA = 70% COAL!)

- Europe consumes more nuclear energy than anyone else...about 9% of Europe's total 2007 energy consumption was nuclear (North America runs a close second with 8%)

- Relative to their total energy consumption, South America consumes much more hydroelectric power than anyone else...about 28% of SA's total 2007 energy consumption was hydro power (mostly Brazil as 39% of Brazil's total 2007 energy consumption was hydroelectricity)

- The Middle East is almost exclusively reliant on Oil and Gas (surprise, surprise) with both fuels accounting for a total of 98% of the Mid East's energy needs in 2007

Data Courtesy: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2008