Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barack OBAMA's Presidential ENERGY Plan !

During his 2008 Democratic National Convention speech, United States Presidential nominee Barack Obama unveiled some intriguing details belonging to his Presidential ENERGY Plan. Considering the FACT that this man has a 50/50 shot at becoming the next President of the United States of America, I decided to summarize some of his key ENERGY policy initiatives below for my future reference :

* 10 year Goal to END America's dependence on Crude Oil imported from the Middle East
* Domestic Crude Oil drilling is only a 'stop gap', it is not a long term solution

Tapping + Investing in Non-Renewable Alternatives

* Will '
tap' Natural Gas reserves
* Will invest in Clean Coal technologies (government subsidies)
* Will "find ways to safely harness Nuclear Energy" (
RTOB: not sure if that jargon means anything as U.S. Democrats have historically HATED the environmental risks posed by nuclear)

Investing in Renewable Energy Alternatives:
* Will invest
$150 Billion over the next 10 years on affordable, Renewable Energy sources including 'Wind power, Solar power and the next generation of Biofuels'

Government Subsidies to the AUTO Companies:
* Will
help (U.S.) Auto companies "retool so that the fuel efficient cars of the future are built at home in America."


* Anecdotally
thinking, I very much liked what I heard from Obama tonight on Energy. I especially appreciated the fact that he provided NUMBERS..and not just small numbers but pretty SOLID sized numbers (10 years...$150 Billion, etc.). I wonder what Republican nominee John McCain will have to say about his own Energy plan during next week's Republican National Convention. More specifically, I wonder if he'll provide NUMBERS like his Democratic counterpart. If NOT then you've got to read between the lines and believe that Obama will be the Higher Spender/Subsidizer of Alternative Energies vs. McCain. FORGET Beijing, Let the U.S. ENERGY games begin.

Data Courtesy
: Barack Obama's 2008 DNC Speech (8/28/08).