Sunday, September 7, 2008

CHART - U.S. CNG 'Gas Stations' By State

As the T. Boone Pickens 'Natural Gas fuel for vehicles' Plan continues to gain traction (California will be voting in November on a new $5 Billion natural gas vehicle SUBSIDY bill), check out the below U.S. Department of Energy CHART detailing the approximate amount of Compressed Natural Gas Fuel-Filling Station locations by STATE (FYI + as hinted above, CNG or Compressed Natural Gas is a fossil fuel substitute for crude oil-derived gasoline) :

* Anecdotally thinking, looks like the country has a ways to go in terms of achieving MASS ADOPTION of Natural Gas Fuel Stations...smells like a HUGE opportunity for SOMEONE including T. Boone Pickens and his speculative natural gas fuel service company Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (CLNE)...Makes sense that California leads the country in natty gas fueling stations when considering its $5 Billion subsidy proposal...Interesting to see that New York, Utah and Oklahoma make up the next largest group of Natural Gas 'gas station' states

Data Courtesy: U.S. Department of Energy
Full Disclosure: I own shares of CLNE.