* U.S. 2Q08 PC Marketshare Leaders:
1. Dell (32% - 5.3K shipments...12% Growth)
2. HP (25% - 4.2K ships...6% Growth)
3. Apple (9% - 1.4K ships...38% Growth)
4. Acer (8% - 1.3K ships... -21% Growth)
5. Toshiba (6% - 0.9K ships...3% Growth)
6. Others (20% -3.4K ships... -5% Growth)
* Worldwide 2Q08 PC Marketshare Leaders:
1. HP (18% - 13K ships...17% Growth)
2. Dell (16% - 11.2K ships...22% Growth)
3. Acer (9% - 6.7K ships...19% Growth)
4. Lenovo (8% - 5.6K ships...14% Growth)
5. Toshiba (4% - 3.1K ships...29% Growth)
6. Others (45% - 32.2K ships...12% Growth)
Per the Fortune article:
* Apple's 2Q08 U.S. PC Share: 8.5% (up from 6.4% 1 year ago)
* Apple's 2Q08 U.S. Mac Sales: Up 38% year over year
* According to IDC, Apple is now #6 in Worldwide Sales
Data Courtesy: Fortune, Gartner and IDC
Full Disclosure: I own shares of AAPL.