Monday, October 20, 2008

IBM 3Q08 Sales Growth By Industry + Geo

Per IBM's 3Q08 Earnings Report Presentation + the slides below, approx 30% of the company's Total WW Sales come from customers operating in the Financial Services industry ($7 Billion out of $25 Billion).

*IBM's 3Q08 Sales Growth by Industry:

* IBM's 3Q08 Financial Services Industry Exposure:

* It's interesting to note that IBM actually grew its Financial Services revenue during the quarter by 2% (after adjusting for constant currency) DESPITE the ongoing recession...Anecdotally thinking, not sure how they pulled it off but I wonder how realistic of an expectation it is for one to expect IBM to continue growing its financial customer revenue moving forward when considering the current macro-economic environment + recent collapses of former financial bellweathers including Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Countrywide Financial, Washington Mutual, Wachovia, etc.


Other interesting 3Q08 Slides per IBM's presentation:

*IBM's 3Q08 Sales Growth by Geo:

*IBM's 3Q08 Liquidity Position:

Data Courtesy: IBM's 3Q08 Earnings Presentation
Full Disclosure: I own shares of IBM.