(This list is copied + pasted from: cnbc.com/id/2823)
* Fairfield Greenwich Advisors - An investment management firm...more than half of Fairfield Greenwich's $14.1 billion in assets under management, or about $7.5 Billion was connected to Madoff
* Tremont Capital Management - The fund-of-funds business run by Tremont Capital Management had invested $3.3 Billion with Madoff
* HSBC (HBC) - The British bank has potential exposure of about $1.5 Billion, the Financial Times reported, citing unnamed people close to the situation. The exposure is from loans it provided to institutional clients, mainly hedge funds of funds, that wanted to invest with Madoff, the FT reported.
* Banco Santander (STD) -
* Bank Medici - The Austrian bank had two funds with $2.1 Billion (1.5 billion euros) invested with Madoff
* Access International Advisors - According to a report by Bloomberg, the New York based investment firm has an exposure of $1.4 Billion.
* Barclays (BCS) - Any exposure for British bank Barclays Plc to Madoff would be "minimal,'' a person familiar with the matter said, but Barclays declined to comment.
* Man Group - The United Kingdom hedge fund said it is exposed through RMF, its institutional fund of funds business, which has approximately $360 million invested in two funds that are directly or indirectly sub-advised by Madoff Securities.
* BBVA -
* Union Bancaire Privee - Swiss bank that invests in funds of hedge funds has lost about 1 billion francs ($850 million), according to Le Temps, citing unnamed banking sources.
* Natixis - The French investment bank said it could have a 450 million euro ($602 million) indirect exposure to Madoff
* Reichmuth & Co. - Swiss private bank said its fund of funds Reichmuth Matterhorn had an exposure to investments linked to Madoff that amounted to about $325 million.
* Nomura Holdings (NMR) - The Japanese brokerage firm said it had a 27.5 billion yen ($303 million) exposure related to Madoff, but the impact on its capital would be limited.
* Unicredit SpA -
* Societe Generale - The French bank said its exposure is negligible, below 10 million euros.
* Maxam Capital Management - The Connecticut-based fund has lost about $280 million on funds invested with Madoff, according to a Wall Street Journal report.
* EIM Group - Le Temps reported that EIM Group, a European fund of hedge funds, said it has a $230 million exposure.
* Kingate Global Fund - The $2.8 billion hedge fund run by Kingate Management Ltd had invested in Madoff Investment Securities.
* Benedict Hentsch - Swiss private bank said its exposure to products linked to Madoff amounted to 56 million francs ($47 million), or less than 5 percent of assets under management.
* Bramdean Alternatives -
* Banesto - Said it has insignificant exposure, but declined to disclose the size of exposure.
* Please refer to the below Bloomberg article for some background information regarding Bernie Madoff's $50 Billion Wall Street SCANDAL :
Data Courtesy: CNBC and Bloomberg