Given his recent high-level of market 'RIGHT-eousness' (a technical term I coined for being right about the markets), Mr. Soros' interviews now approach those starring former Oppenheimer & Co. banking industry analyst, Mrs. Meredith Whitney, when it comes to being officially REQUIRED Viewing Material ('RVM'). In the below twenty five minute segment, Mr. Soros shares his valuable insight on several relevant, pressing financial market TOPICS including: The S+P 500's ongoing rally off its twelve year lows on March 9th, 2009 (the 27% gain is the largest percentage-based rally for the S+P 500 since 1933)...FASB's recent controversial decision to alter the definition of Mark-to-Market accounting (this will effectively allow U.S. banks to have much more accounting flexibility, or 'creative freedom', when it comes to judging the balance sheet value of their own notoriously large securitized asset loan portfolios including those distressed assets levered to residential and commercial real estate)...The current state of the U.S. financial system and the fundamentally insolvent state of affairs surrounding its largest 'zombie banks' including Citigroup (C) and Bank Of America (BAC)...Thoughts on the timing of a potential U.S. housing bottom...Global economic recovery thoughts focused on B.R.I.C. countries Brazil and China, ETC. :
Data Courtesy: Youtube + Bloomberg