Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Does GOOGLE (GOOG) have the power, influence and wherewithal (Knowledge / Information / Innovation / BRAND) to one day carve out itself a NEW product/service offering NICHE in the ENTERPRISE WORLD?

Could Google one day actually GROW past their Colossal 'SEARCH' business? That would be AMAZING given that Google's advertising/Internet search business generated 99% of the company's 2007 revenues !

*During a CNBC interview today on 4/30/08, Google CEO Eric Schmidt commented on where he sees the company headed with regards to eventually serving the CORPORATE CUSTOMER:

" We're working with the corporate customers to do the same thing inside their networks as we do with consumers. Now corporate customers are NOT the same thing as consumer customers. Corporate customers have a much higher need for RELIABILITY. So we'll sign an agreement that guarantees a certain level of service..but then we charge for it. So that's a case where people are willing to pay for something which is free without the level of reliability. They (corporate customers) also have other needs, they need greater security for all of the obvious reasons and they also need better integration with all of the other services that their companies have...This is a long process, it's not a fast process but its VERY, deeply valuable and those are customers we will have for 20 or 30 or 40 years as they build into our model..we like that model, its an enterprise play, its a business that I've been in for a long time and one which will ultimately be very, very lucrative for Google. " - Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google


Anecdotally, I'm digging Goog's AMBITION/VISION. Regarding the CEO's ideas about companies needs for better integration, I think he may be envisioning something along the lines of corporate users utilizing Google's internally developed web apps + services (and oh yeah..can't forget their VAST Libraries of web gathered 'PROPRIETARY' consumer/customer data...but I digress...) to enhance their productivity/efficiency of their business (and non-business) dealings on the Internet.



...I mean, tell me WHO knows the INTERNET better than GOOGLE?

ISN'T THAT A REAL QUESTION that ALL FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES should be asking themselves??!

In an increasingly Globalized world, Doesn't it make only good $ense for businesses to want to do business with a company that understands How to Harness/Refine the RAW power of the INTERNET more effectively than any other partner?

*Lastly, this is another Legit LONG TERM growth opportunity reason to like GOOG more than BIDU (aside from Goog's soon to be launched Mobile Operating System ANDROID OF COURSE). Goog also has the undeniable edge to BIDU when it comes to its Vast INTERNATIONAL 'proprietary' consumer Data Banks.

Data Courtesy: CNBC.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GOOG and BIDU.