Monday, April 21, 2008

REF - China's Mobile + Internet User #'s

For my REFerence, some important numbers regarding the size of CHINA's Mobile Phone Subscriber + Internet User BASE courtesy of the below Bloomberg link discussing Google (GOOG) and Baidu (BIDU):

"At the end of February, China had 565.2 million mobile-phone users, more than the combined populations of the U.S. and Japan, according to data from the Ministry of Information Industry.

China's Internet users totaled 210 million at the end of December, after increasing by 73 million in 2007, the government-backed China Network Information Center said."


*Google, working alongside with China's largest wireless carrier, China Mobile (CHL), expects to process more local Web queries through mobile phones than computers by other words, Google believes mobile-search volume may exceed that from computers in three years !

Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/21/08.
Full Disclosure: I own share of GOOG and BIDU.