As the U.S. continues to cut interest rates (and subsequently pressure the dollar lower), expect fears of inflation to aid trades in the following U.S. dollar-denominated sectors...The Inflation Trade:
1.) Gold + Gold Services
2.) Energy + Energy Services: - Crude OIL - Natural GAS - Ethanol - Coal
I am an avid follower of all things related to the expansion and forward progress of our dear GLOBAL Economy. I use this blog as an informal forum, and data repository of sorts, to both share + catalog my thoughts on the economy, and potential 'investible' stocks, sectors and themes in the market. If you act on any of my ideas, or observations, then please realize you are doing so at your own risk. Please feel free to leave interesting, thought-provoking comments on the blog ('Random Thoughts of Brill/Blog-iance')..if you're $hy you can do so Anonymously. If you wish to contact me directly with your comments, then please do so via e-mail, THANKS.