Country / Reserves / Production / Reserve life (years)
1. Saudi Arabia / 260 / 8.8 / 81 (yrs)
2. Canada / 179 / 2.7 / 182
3. Iran / 136 / 3.7 / 101
4. Iraq / 115 / 2.2 / 143
5. Kuwait / 99 / 2.5 / 108
6. United Arab Emirates / 97 / 2.5 / 107
7. Venezuela / 80 / 2.4 / 91
8. Russia / 60 / 9.5 / 17
9. Libya / 41.5 / 1.8 / 63
10. Nigeria / 36.2 / 2.3 / 43
11. United States / 21 / 4.9 / 12
12. Mexico / 12 / 3.2 / 10
*Estimated reserves are in Billions of barrels
*Production rate is in millions of barrels per day
*Reserve life in years calculated as reserves / annual production

Data Courtesy:, snagged on 3/26/08.