Five Long Term Reasons to Own GOOGLE (GOOG):
1.) Internet Search --> Google's core competency is Internet search and they are #1 WW (excluding China of course...BIDU). According to the Financial Times, about 1/2 of the World's $55 Billion online advertising budget will flow through Google in 2009. Also, the fact that Microsoft (MSFT) and Yahoo (YHOO) have been unable to tie up is also a large positive for Google and its Internet search marketshare.
2.) --> Google has yet to monetize this property but in terms of addressable audience, the web site hosts about 130 million viewers daily !
3.) Android --> Google's mobile phone operating system, Android, will likely be released in late 3Q08. This represents another potential large area of growth for the company as Google has itself stated that it believes search queries made on phones will exceed those performed on PC's by 2111 (3 YEARS).
4.) Corporate/Enterprise Market Initiatives --> Please refer to my 'Goog's Going Corporate' blog posted 4/30/08...initiatives include business applications (product similar to Microsoft Office) and of course, web services. Who understands the Internet better than Google (aka No one. Therefore it only makes sense for Fortune 500 companies to seek the expertise + web services of Google when it comes to doing business on the World Wide Web.
5.) WW PROPRIETORY Consumer DATA 'Banks' --> A significant result of Google being #1 WorldWide in Internet search...Google collects + owns a vast amount of consumer web search information and therefore has the UNIQUELY ADVANTAGED capability to view and analyze consumer habits and trends. This has to be one of the major reasons why Google is so gifted at attracting money from advertisers...advertisers probably partner with Google because they believe Google is able to understand their target audience/customer base the best.
*Related, I also like Google's intangibles. I enjoy their innovative Websites, Tools and Missions. I am a HUGE fan of Google Finance, Google Earth, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Notebook, etc. I also respect Google's foray into alternative energy solutions via
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GOOG.