For my reference, check out the below interesting article from respected short-seller Doug Kass on his 11 reasons for shorting Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA or BRKB)...this article was penned by Kass on 3/10/08:
* Doug Kass's 11 Reasons to SHORT Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway:
1. There Will Never Be Another Warren Buffett
2. Investors Will Likely Immediately Dump Shares If Buffett Is No Longer at the Helm
3. Growth Has Slowed Recently
4. Buffett Says the Salad Days For Insurance, the Cornerstone of the Berkshire Complex, Are Over
5. An Outlook for Substandard Investment Returns and Uneven Economic Growth Will Provide a Headwind to Berkshire's Growth
6. Berkshire Hathaway's Premium Valuation Has Seemingly Been a Byproduct of the Credit Crisis and the Perception of the Company As a Safe Haven
7. A Sum of the Parts Analysis, Relative EPS and Price/Book Comparisons of Peers Suggests that Berkshire's Shares are Overpriced Relative to the Market
8. As Stock is Sold in the MarketPlace, Buffett's Contribution of (85% of his) Berkshire's Shares to Charity Could Create an Imbalance Between Demand and Supply as Stock is Sold in the Marketplace
9. Some of Berkshire's Most Significant Stock Investments Seem Vulnerable to a Post Credit Bubble Crisis and May Not Recover for Years
10. The Law of Large Numbers Works to Berkshire's Disadvantage
11. Berkshire's Disclosure is Weak and Opaque
Data Courtesy: