Six Fundamental LONG TERM Reasons to Own Goldman Sachs (GS) :
1.) The IN$IDE Boys :
Please refer to my 7/21/08 post titled 'Goldman Sachs - Inside Boys To The Rescue' for more information on this (use the ETB 'Archive Keyword Reference' on the right to search for this post using keyword 'Goldman Sachs'). Bottom line, GS is on the INSIDE...and EVERYONE else seems to be on the OUTSIDE.
2.) The UNSCATHED (What Credit Crisis ??) :
GS is one of the select FEW financial players that have, thus far, been relatively UNSCATHED by the ongoing U.S. Credit Crisis. Because of disciplined, proprietary RISK MANAGEMENT and execution Goldman has NOT had to take on significant 'write downs' on shoddy assets...UNLIKE the majority of global financial peers including: Lehman Brothers (LEH), Citigroup (C), Bank of America (BAC), Merrill Lynch (MER), Wachovia (WB), Wells Fargo (WFC), UBS, etc.
3.) ONCE In A Lifetime MARKETSHARE Opportunity :
Because Goldman has been relatively UNSCATHED by the recent Credit Crisis (see point #2 above), GS is in an IDEAL position of being able to use its assets MUCH more productively than its peers. Instead of having to use its assets and existing capital to internally 'patch holes'/shore up the soundness of its Balance Sheet, GS is able to use its capital more productively and actually take advantage of the market's current Asset 'Fire Sale' (kinda like a 'clearance' shopping event...just about all of GS's peers are unloading assets in a 'Everything must GO!' fashion) to GROW its business. The departure of Bear Sterns (BSC) ALONE is a great reason to own Goldman. Throw in the CARNAGE currently being suffered by competitors Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, etc. and Goldman Sachs is in PRIME position to soak up some Attractive LONG TERM brokerage MarketShare (whether its in Asset Management, Equity/Bond Underwriting, Commodities Trading, Mergers and Acquisitions, etc.).
4.) The Massive Stock Buyback :
While most U.S. financials are scrambling to RAISE Capital (mostly by diluting the shares of stock owned by existing shareholders), Goldman is doing the exact opposite via BUYING BACK ITS OWN STOCK and returning Capital to its shareholders. Which financial would you rather own - An investment that is RETURNING you money vs. One that is DILUTING/reducing your money?! For the record and per my 6/22/08 post titled 'GS 2Q08 Earnings Recap', Goldman has 62 million shares remaining in its authorized share repurchase program...this represents about $9.5 Billion or 16% of the company's total FLOAT/shares outstanding.
5.) DEMONSTRATED Competence of Management :
The executive management team of Goldman Sachs is often referred to as 'the Smartest Guys in the Room'...regardless of WHO's in the room. With all due respect to Google (GOOG), Goldman is probably the smartest company in the WORLD. For validation's sake, look NO further than how GS has executed its brokerage business during arguably one of the country's most HISTORICALLY trying times for financial institutions. Save The 1990 U.S. Savings and Loans Crisis (fyi + for more info on this ERA you can refer to my 7/14/08 post titled 'The U.S. Savings and Loans Crisis'), most banks have never seen a market environment THIS difficult. For empirical evidence of GS's track record of execution during the ongoing Credit Crisis, please refer to the ETB 'Archive Keyword Reference' under 'Earnings' or 'Goldman Sachs'...in there you will find the details behind a couple of impressive, recent GS quarterly reports courtesy of my proprietOHRI GS quarterly 'Earning Recap' posts.
6.) The CHEAP, Single Digit P/E Multiple :
While 'cheap' is of course relative, it should be noted that Goldman Sachs is trading at just 7.5 x 2008's expected earnings. Goldman's Forward 2009 P/E is currently 10. Despite its EXECUTION BRILLIANCE as a company, GS as a stock has been taken down like the rest of its financial cohorts...the company's stock is currently Down 28% year to date (GS is down 13% year over year). Anecdotally saying, If you're looking to build a CORE investment position in GS then you gotta believe that 10 x 2009 Earnings (or $150/share) represents an attractive entry point.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GS.
1.) The IN$IDE Boys :
Please refer to my 7/21/08 post titled 'Goldman Sachs - Inside Boys To The Rescue' for more information on this (use the ETB 'Archive Keyword Reference' on the right to search for this post using keyword 'Goldman Sachs'). Bottom line, GS is on the INSIDE...and EVERYONE else seems to be on the OUTSIDE.
2.) The UNSCATHED (What Credit Crisis ??) :
GS is one of the select FEW financial players that have, thus far, been relatively UNSCATHED by the ongoing U.S. Credit Crisis. Because of disciplined, proprietary RISK MANAGEMENT and execution Goldman has NOT had to take on significant 'write downs' on shoddy assets...UNLIKE the majority of global financial peers including: Lehman Brothers (LEH), Citigroup (C), Bank of America (BAC), Merrill Lynch (MER), Wachovia (WB), Wells Fargo (WFC), UBS, etc.
3.) ONCE In A Lifetime MARKETSHARE Opportunity :
Because Goldman has been relatively UNSCATHED by the recent Credit Crisis (see point #2 above), GS is in an IDEAL position of being able to use its assets MUCH more productively than its peers. Instead of having to use its assets and existing capital to internally 'patch holes'/shore up the soundness of its Balance Sheet, GS is able to use its capital more productively and actually take advantage of the market's current Asset 'Fire Sale' (kinda like a 'clearance' shopping event...just about all of GS's peers are unloading assets in a 'Everything must GO!' fashion) to GROW its business. The departure of Bear Sterns (BSC) ALONE is a great reason to own Goldman. Throw in the CARNAGE currently being suffered by competitors Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, etc. and Goldman Sachs is in PRIME position to soak up some Attractive LONG TERM brokerage MarketShare (whether its in Asset Management, Equity/Bond Underwriting, Commodities Trading, Mergers and Acquisitions, etc.).
4.) The Massive Stock Buyback :
While most U.S. financials are scrambling to RAISE Capital (mostly by diluting the shares of stock owned by existing shareholders), Goldman is doing the exact opposite via BUYING BACK ITS OWN STOCK and returning Capital to its shareholders. Which financial would you rather own - An investment that is RETURNING you money vs. One that is DILUTING/reducing your money?! For the record and per my 6/22/08 post titled 'GS 2Q08 Earnings Recap', Goldman has 62 million shares remaining in its authorized share repurchase program...this represents about $9.5 Billion or 16% of the company's total FLOAT/shares outstanding.
5.) DEMONSTRATED Competence of Management :
The executive management team of Goldman Sachs is often referred to as 'the Smartest Guys in the Room'...regardless of WHO's in the room. With all due respect to Google (GOOG), Goldman is probably the smartest company in the WORLD. For validation's sake, look NO further than how GS has executed its brokerage business during arguably one of the country's most HISTORICALLY trying times for financial institutions. Save The 1990 U.S. Savings and Loans Crisis (fyi + for more info on this ERA you can refer to my 7/14/08 post titled 'The U.S. Savings and Loans Crisis'), most banks have never seen a market environment THIS difficult. For empirical evidence of GS's track record of execution during the ongoing Credit Crisis, please refer to the ETB 'Archive Keyword Reference' under 'Earnings' or 'Goldman Sachs'...in there you will find the details behind a couple of impressive, recent GS quarterly reports courtesy of my proprietOHRI GS quarterly 'Earning Recap' posts.
6.) The CHEAP, Single Digit P/E Multiple :
While 'cheap' is of course relative, it should be noted that Goldman Sachs is trading at just 7.5 x 2008's expected earnings. Goldman's Forward 2009 P/E is currently 10. Despite its EXECUTION BRILLIANCE as a company, GS as a stock has been taken down like the rest of its financial cohorts...the company's stock is currently Down 28% year to date (GS is down 13% year over year). Anecdotally saying, If you're looking to build a CORE investment position in GS then you gotta believe that 10 x 2009 Earnings (or $150/share) represents an attractive entry point.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GS.