During 2Q08, 'Big Blue' captured about 33% of the GLOBAL Servers market...or almost 6% more SHARE than #2 ranked Hewlett Packard (HPQ) who possessed 27% of the market. Dell came in at #3 with 13%, followed by Sun Microsystems (JAVA) at #4 with 11%. All together, the 'Big 4' accounted for approx 84% of total global Server sales during the second quarter of 2008 (can you say oligopolgy?).

* IBM ranked #1 across the following 2Q08 Server Sales categories:
1.) All Unix Servers - 36% Share
2.) Servers Costing $250,000 or more ('High-End' Servers) - 62% Share
3.) Servers Costing $10,000 or more ('Low-End' Servers) - 48% Share
* Related + also according to IDC, let it be noted that IBM is growing its overall Server revenues faster than anyone else in the industry as IBM's 2Q08 Server sales were 27% higher vs. 1Q08. Overall WW Server shipments rose 11% during 2Q08.
* Lastly + also Related to IBM, check out the below fascinating Wikipedia link that provides a pretty comprehensive (although NOT complete) List of Acquisitions and Spinoffs completed by 'Big Blue' since its foundation in 1889 (needless to say but IBM wasn't built in a day):

Data Courtesy: CNNMoney + IDC + Wikipedia
Full Disclosure: I own shares of IBM.