Friday, March 28, 2008

REF - World's Largest Natural Gas Reserves

The World's Largest PROVEN Natural Gas Reserves (according to the 2007 CIA World Factbook):

Country: Reserves / Date of Info:

*WORLD: 165,843.265 / 2003 est.

1 Russia: 47,570 / 2003 est.
2 Iran: 26,620 / 2001 est
3 Qatar: 25,770 / 2004 est.
4 U.A.E.: 6,006 / 2003 est.
5 United States: 5,451 / 2003 est.
6 Nigeria: 4,984 / 2003 est.
7 Algeria: 4,545 / 2003 est.
8 Venezuela: 4,276 / 2003 est
9 Iraq: 3,115 / 2003 est.
10 Indonesia: 2,760 / 2004 est
11 China: 2,350 / 2003 est.
12 Malaysia: 2,124 / 2004 est.
13 Norway: 2,085 / 2003 est.
14 Turkmenistan: 2,010 / 2004 est
15 Uzbekistan: 1,875 / 2003 est.
16 Kazakhstan: 1,841 / 2003 est.
17 Netherlands: 1,756 / 2003 est.
18 Egypt: 1,657 / 2003 est.
19 Canada: 1,603 / 2003 est.

20 Kuwait: 1,572 / 2003 est.

*Estimates are in billions of barrels per day.


* Russia is #1 by a WIDE margin...holding approx 30% of the world's natural gas reserves (this is WHY I love COP's 20% stake in Lukoil) !

* The world's largest gas field by far is Qatar's offshore North Field, estimated to have 25 trillion cubic metres (900 trillion cubic feet) of gas in place.

* Natural gas burns CLEANER than other fossil fuels (including oil and coal) and produces less carbon dioxide per unit energy released. For an equivalent amount of heat, burning natural gas produces about 30% less carbon dioxide than burning oil and about 45% less than burning coal

* Natural gas SUPPLY is expected to peak around the year 2030, 20 years after the peak of oil. It is also projected that the world's supply of natural gas could be exhausted around the year 2085.

Data Courtesy: Wikipedia