Wednesday, April 30, 2008
REF - World's Largest Electricity Producers
*According to 2007 data from the CIA World Fact Book, the U.S. is #1, China is #2, Japan is #3, Russia is #4 and India is #5 in terms of annual electricity production.
*Reference the World Book's Complete List of Largest Electricity Producers:
Data Courtesy: The CIA World Fact Book.
ENERGY 'Conviction Buys' - HAL + COP
Coincidentally, Goldman's Conviction Buy List also currently lists Conoco Phillips (COP) as its #1 Integrated Oil company (FYI, COP also has great exposure to natural gas - please refer to some previous 'Conoco Phillips' posts).
Full Disclosure: I own shares of HAL and COP.
APPLE's $200/$300 3G iPHONE !
*Should hit stores around JUNE 27th (hmm now I need to decide if I get one at launch vs. Septemberish )
*If you're willing to sign a 2 year agreement then the new iPHONE will cost you $199 or $299 (pending the version) as AT&T (T) will subsidize $200 off the purchase price of your new iphone ! Looks like AT&T's doing this to lure customers away from rivals like Verizon (VZ), Sprint (S), etc. WOW, smart move that will really benefit both AT&T and Apple...and even more so Apple since AT&T is subsidizing the cost of the new iPHONEs on its OWN. (I'm def diggin the thought of a $200 iPHONE...)
*New 3G iPHONE will be 2.5mm thinner than the original and will carry a GPS chip
Data Courtesy:
Full Disclosure: I own shares of AAPL. (And I admit I want to iOWN the iPHONE)
Could Google one day actually GROW past their Colossal 'SEARCH' business? That would be AMAZING given that Google's advertising/Internet search business generated 99% of the company's 2007 revenues !
*During a CNBC interview today on 4/30/08, Google CEO Eric Schmidt commented on where he sees the company headed with regards to eventually serving the CORPORATE CUSTOMER:
" We're working with the corporate customers to do the same thing inside their networks as we do with consumers. Now corporate customers are NOT the same thing as consumer customers. Corporate customers have a much higher need for RELIABILITY. So we'll sign an agreement that guarantees a certain level of service..but then we charge for it. So that's a case where people are willing to pay for something which is free without the level of reliability. They (corporate customers) also have other needs, they need greater security for all of the obvious reasons and they also need better integration with all of the other services that their companies have...This is a long process, it's not a fast process but its VERY, deeply valuable and those are customers we will have for 20 or 30 or 40 years as they build into our model..we like that model, its an enterprise play, its a business that I've been in for a long time and one which will ultimately be very, very lucrative for Google. " - Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google
Anecdotally, I'm digging Goog's AMBITION/VISION. Regarding the CEO's ideas about companies needs for better integration, I think he may be envisioning something along the lines of corporate users utilizing Google's internally developed web apps + services (and oh yeah..can't forget their VAST Libraries of web gathered 'PROPRIETARY' consumer/customer data...but I digress...) to enhance their productivity/efficiency of their business (and non-business) dealings on the Internet.
...I mean, tell me WHO knows the INTERNET better than GOOGLE?
ISN'T THAT A REAL QUESTION that ALL FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES should be asking themselves??!
In an increasingly Globalized world, Doesn't it make only good $ense for businesses to want to do business with a company that understands How to Harness/Refine the RAW power of the INTERNET more effectively than any other partner?
*Lastly, this is another Legit LONG TERM growth opportunity reason to like GOOG more than BIDU (aside from Goog's soon to be launched Mobile Operating System ANDROID OF COURSE). Goog also has the undeniable edge to BIDU when it comes to its Vast INTERNATIONAL 'proprietary' consumer Data Banks.
Data Courtesy: CNBC.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GOOG and BIDU.
REF - World's Largest COAL EXPORTERS
Country - Yearly Exports: 2003...2004...2005
*Total - 713.9...764.0...804.2
1. Australia - 238.1...247.6...257.6
2. Indonesia - 107.8...131.4...147.6
3. China - 103.4...95.5...79.0
4. South Africa - 78.7...74.9...77.5
5. South America (cumulative) - 57.8...65.9...68.8
6. Russia - 41.0...55.7...62.3
7. United States - 43.0...48.0...49.9
8. Canada - 27.7...28.8...31.0
9. Poland - 16.4...16.3...16.4
10. Vietnam - N/A...10.3...14.1
*ANECDOTALLY, looks like the U.S. (aka the SAUDI ARABIA OF COAL) has some room to UP Coal Export capacity...
Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/30/08.
REF - World's Largest COAL Reserves
*World – 909,064 GIGATONS…100%
1 United States of America - 246,643…27.1% WW Share
2 Russia - 157,010…17.3%
3 China - 114,500…12.6%
4 India - 92,445…10.2%
5 Australia - 78,500…8.6%
6 South Africa - 48,750…5.4%
7 Ukraine - 34,153…3.8%
8 Kazakhstan - 31,279…3.4%
9 Poland - 14,000…1.5%
10 Brazil - 10,113…1.1%
11 Germany - 6,739…0.7%
12 Colombia - 6,611…0.7%
13 Canada - 6,578…0.7%
14 Czech Republic - 5,552…0.6%
15 Indonesia - 4,968…0.5%
16 Turkey - 4,186…0.5%
17 Greece - 3,900…0.4%
18 Hungary - 3,357…0.4%
19 Pakistan - 3,050…0.3%
20 Bulgaria - 2,187…0.2%
21 Thailand - 1,354…0.1%
22 North Korea - 600…0.1%
23 New Zealand - 571…0.1%
24 Spain - 530…0.1%
25 Zimbabwe - 502…0.1%
26 Romania - 494…0.1%
27 Venezuela – 479…0.1%
*The United States Energy Information Administration gives world reserves as 998 billion short tons (equal to 905 gigatonnes) with approximately half of it being 'hard coal' the current production rate, this would last 164 years.
*The 998 billion tons of recoverable coal reserves estimated by the Energy Information Administration are equal to about 4,417 BBOE (billion barrels of oil equivalent).
Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/30/08.
REF - World's Largest Internet Users
Rank / Country (Internet Users...% of Pop)
* World (1,173,109,925…17.8%)
* European Union (273,234,619…55.7%)
1 United States (210,575,287…69.7%)
2 China (162,000,000…12.3%)
3 Japan (86,300,000…67.1%)
4 Germany (50,426,117…61.1%)
5 India (42,000,000…3.7%)
6 Brazil (39,140,000…21.0%)
7 United Kingdom (37,600,000…62.3%)
8 South Korea (34,120,000…66.5%)
9 France (32,925,953…53.7%)
10 Italy (31,481,928…52.9%)
11 Russia (28,000,000…19.5%)
13 Mexico (22,700,000…21.3%)
12 Canada (22,000,000…67.8%)
14 Indonesia (20,000,000…8.5%)
15 Spain (19,765,033…43.9%)
16 Vietnam (18,226,701…21.4%)
17 Iran (18,000,000…27.5%)
18 Argentina (16,000,000…49.7%)
19 Turkey (16,000,000…21.1%)
20 Taiwan (15,400,000…67.4%)
21 Australia (15,085,600…71.9%)
22 Malaysia (14,904,000…56.3%)
23 Netherlands (14,544,400…87.8%)
24 Poland (14,084,600…36.6%)
25 Philippines (14,000,000…15.4%)
26 Pakistan (12,000,000…7.3%)
27 Colombia (10,097,000…22.8%)
28 Thailand (8,465,800…13.0%)
29 Nigeria (8,000,000…5.9%)
30 Portugal (7,782,760…73.1%)
31 Peru (7,324,300…25.5%)
32 Chile (7,035,000…43.2%)
Other Notables:
36 Egypt (6,000,000…7.5%)
40 Venezuela (5,297,798…20.4%)
44 Saudi Arabia (4,700,000…17.0%)
56 Singapore (2,421,800…53.2%)
61 UAE (1,708,500…38.4%)
64 Ecuador (1,549,000…11.3%)
65 Dominican Rep (1,500,000…16.2%)
73 Uruguay (1,100,000…31.8%)
76 Guatemala (1,000,000…7.6%)
76 Puerto Rico (1,000,000…25.0%)
79 Costa Rica (922,500…20.5%)
88 El Salvador (637,100…9.5%)
90 Bolivia (580,000…6.4%)
108 Panama (300,000…2.2%)
113 Honduras (260,000…3.8%)
117 Cuba (190,000…1.7%)
130 Nicaragua (140,000…2.5%)
157 Iraq (36,000…0.1%)
Some Quick Takeaways:
*The WORLD is less than 20% penetrated.
*China is only 12% penetrated!
*India is only 4% penetrated!
*Brazil, Russia and Mexico are only 20% penetrated!
*The. U.S., Canada, Japan and EU are relatively mature markets (60-70% penetration)
*MANY South American countries are 'under-penetrated' (Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Bolivia, Panema, Honduras, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc.)
Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/30/08.
Drilling for OIL in Alaska's ANWR
*In terms of RESERVES, a 1998 U.S. Geological Survey stated that there is a 95% probability that the crude oil reserves in ANWR amount to about 5.7 Billion barrels (there's a 5% probability the reserves amount to 16 Billion barrels)...For some perspective and per my 'WORLD's LARGEST CRUDE OIL RESERVES' post dated 3/26/08, Saudi Arabia has about 260 Billion barrels of CRUDE.
*In terms of PRODUCTION, if effectively drilled, this site could contribute anywhere from 700K to about 2.0 million barrels of production a day...The U.S.'s daily demand/consumption of crude is 21 million barrels a day...Saudi Arabia is currently producing about 9 million barrels per day.
* The Total AREA of the Alaskan wildlife refuge consists of approx 19 million acres...8% or 1.5 million acres are referred to as the '1002 Area', this is the area where most of the oil drilling controversy in ANWR resides...8 million acres are federally designated + protected as 'Wilderness Area' under the Wilderness Act of 1964...10 million acres are designated as 'Minimal Management' + according to Wiki, represent "a category (or section of land) intended to maintain existing natural conditions and resource values"
Data Courtesy: CNBC + Wikipedia
Monday, April 28, 2008
U.S. is #1 in Corn Production
Anecdotally, now I understand how the U.S. Department of AGRIGULTURE could have so much sway with the U.S. politicians and their foolish, potentially crooked and certainly harmful Energy + Agriculture policies.
*Quick Examples of current SKETCHY U.S. Ag policies include:
1.) the hopelessly INefficient + INFLATIONARY ethanol from CORN gasoline Fuel MANDATE
2.) the Brazillian ethanol Import TARIFF (Brazil is the world's largest ethanol producer and they could easily add additional supply to support the growing needs/demands of the U.S. market...allowing for a meaningful reduction in the amount of U.S. domestic corn production geared towards satisfying the substantial ethanol fuel production requirements (currently about 30% of the U.S.'s corn crop is used for fuel)...this would free up more U.S. domestic corn production that would be geared towards satisfying the MUCH MORE SIGINFICANT NEED of WORLDWIDE FOOD consumption...which would ultimately lead to lower prices in at least corn and ethanol + would help counter WORLDWIDE food price inflation!)
3.) Farm Subsidies during 'BOOM' times (BTW, this is one of those BOOM also seems like the U.S. government is doing more than its fair share to sustain the current Agriculture industry BOOM).
Sell in MAY and Go Away ?
In other words, in 21 of the past 25 years (84% of the time) it has been a better time to own stocks during the 6 month time period of November to April (versus May through October). Guess this lends some credence to the idea that the market tends to outperform during the 4th and 1st calendar quarters of the year vs. the 2nd and 3rd.
*For some additional numbers related to the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (a PRICE-weighted index tracking 30 megacap companies):
From 1950 to 2005:
*During May 1st to October 31st --> the Dow is up 0.5%
*During November 1st to April 1st --> the Dow is up 8%
Data Courtesy: CNBC.
Market Quotes - BUFFET on the Fed + BSC
"I think that what the Fed did, and I think it was proper by the way, what the Fed did with Bear Sterns was a big line in the sand. I mean that changed the game. At that point the world started looking different in the financial world."
Data Courtesy: CNBC tv interview on 4/28/08.
Brazil's 'New' Oil in Too DEEP ?
Net of the net, it's going to be pretty darn EXPENSIVE + DIFFICULT for BRAZIL to drill for this stuff. Given where + the complexities involved, it appears that even the world's largest + best run deepwater oil drillers (Transocean...RIG, National Oilwell Varco...NOV, Noble Corp...NE, etc.) do NOT currently have the technological resources to accomplish such a feat.
Detailed Takeaways (quoted directly) from the article:
*Brazil's plan to become one of the world's biggest oil exporters hinges on exploiting crude 6 miles below the ocean surface in deposits so hot they can melt the metal used to carry uranium to nuclear plants.
*Until the tools needed to exploit the reservoirs are invented, the crude will remain locked under the sea, said Matt Cline, a U.S. Energy Department economist. "This is a very, very technically challenging environment where no one's ever done this,'' Cline, who tracks the Latin American oil industry, said in a telephone interview from Washington. "These discoveries are in very deep water, and once you get to the seabed they are very deep under the floor, with a layer of salt that is definitely a difficult barrier.''
*Pumping oil from the Brazilian finds, parts of which are 32,000 feet (10,000 meters) below the ocean's surface, will require boring almost twice as far down as the world's deepest producing offshore well...The obstacles will discourage development unless crude prices stay high
*Tapping what may be the biggest oil finds in the Western Hemisphere in three decades will require equipment that can withstand 18,000 pounds per square inch of pressure, enough to crush a pickup truck, pipes that can carry oil at temperatures above 500 degrees Fahrenheit (260 Celsius) and drill bits that can penetrate layers of salt more than one mile thick.*The ocean-depth record for production was set last year by Anadarko Petroleum (APC)...The company is extracting natural gas from beneath 8,960 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico, where pressure measures 3,069 pounds per square inch, squeezing joints and tearing at seals.
*Tupi, 155 miles (250 kilometers) off Brazil's coast, may begin production by 2012, according to consulting firm Strategic Forecasting in Austin, Texas. The field may have 8 billion barrels of recoverable oil.
*No start date has been set for Carioca, which Petroleo Brasileiro (PBR) said will take at least three months to evaluate. A Brazilian regulator said this month the reservoir may have 33 billion barrels.
* "A big find might not be a good find if it costs so much to develop that it's not commercially viable...We don't have any idea at all yet of all the costs that are going to be involved. Those costs are going to set the floor for oil prices...These challenges in the Brazilian offshore area are too great for any one company or even country to be able to digest themselves'' - S&P analyst Tina Vitale (also a former Exxon Mobile engineer)Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/28/08.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of RIG.
GTA 4 Reviews - Hype $URPASSED !
Net of the net, not sure how it's even possible but according to many of the below reviews, it looks like GTA 4 will SURPASS its ONCE in a LIFETIME HYPE.
This sure to be HIGH visibility development bodes well for the entire video game industry in 2008.
*FYI, I am currently playing the positive trends in the video game sector via my ownership of Gamestop (GME) shares. Also, in a somewhat risky move, I got back into TTWO today around $26.50/share believing Electronic Arts (ERTS) will now be FORCED to up their current $2 Billion takeover bid for Take Two. In my opinion, Electronic Arts' own aggressive 2009/2010 earnings per share + revenue growth company stated goals depend on adding Take Two Interactive to their portfolio. Also, with close to $2 Billion in cash, the company can easily afford to up the ante...especially when we're talking about purchasing what should now be undoubtedly viewed as the MOST SUCCESSFUL VIDEO GAME FRANCHISE OF ALL TIME!!!)
IGN (includes a video review):
Gamespot (includes a video review):;reviews
*Lastly, check out Bloomberg's article re GTA 4:
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GME and TTWO.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Faber's Inflation GLOOM + AG BOOM ?
"In the United States the typical household spends about 20% of its income on food. In emerging economies, where people have low incomes, frequently 50% of their income is spent on food. So when food prices go up it hurts them (the emerging economies like India, China, etc.) very badly...with exception of course to the rural population, the farmers who benefit from rising food prices."
Net of the Net, I guess I just never really realized in numerical terms the extent of the difference between consumer FOOD PRICE INFLATION in the U.S. vs. the emerging economies.
Other Faber interview notes :
*Faber believes the U.S. Federal Reserve should stop cutting interest rates...and instead should consider raising rates in order to strengthen the dollar and counter the current 'real inflation rate'
*Faber believes the 'real inflation rate' is somewhere in between 5-10%
*Faber believes the typical U.S. household in America does not own stock...he thinks the ownership of stocks is concentrated among only 10% of the U.S. population
*Faber believes the AGRICULTURE + FORESTRY sectors of the world economy are especially attractive today... "The whole agriculture sector in the world is attractive because if you look at agricultural prices in real terms their still extremely low...and I think if you look at forestry then obviously the price of lumber has totally collapsed and its at a multi-year at this point I think it might be a good idea for people, rather than to buy financial stocks, to buy forestry assets and agricultural assets around the world"
Check out the below link re Marc Faber if you want to read up more about him:
Data Courtesy: CNBC (tv interview).
IDKT - GM + Brazil
...General Motors (GM) is BRAZIL's Automobile industry marketshare LEADER.
CRUDE Development - Saudi BRAZILia ?
According to research from consulting firm Strategic Forecasting Inc., Brazil's recent discoveries of what MAY be two of the world's three BIGGEST oil finds in the past 30 years COULD help end the U.S.'s reliance on Middle East crude oil.
Some Takeaways (lots of good info from the article):
*Strategic Forecasting Inc. is a consulting firm based out of Austin, Texas...their customers include companies and governments around the world...A Barron's 2001 article described the firm as "the shadow CIA.''
*According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), Persian Gulf nations currently account for 23 % of U.S. imports...compared with Brazil's 1.7 % share. Brazilian crude output rose 1.9 percent last year to 2.14 million barrels in 2007.
*Brazil's state-controlled Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PBR) in November said the offshore TUPI field may hold 8 billion barrels of recoverable crude. Among discoveries in the past 30 years, only the 15 Billion barrel Kashagan field in Kazakhstan is larger...Meanwhile, another recent Brazillian oil field discovery, subsea field, CARIOCA, may have 33 billion barrels of oil. That would be the third biggest field in history, behind only the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia and Burgan in Kuwait.
*IF additional drilling by Petroleo Brasileiro confirms the Tupi and Carioca estimates, the fields together would contain enough oil to supply every oil refinery on the U.S. Gulf Coast for 15 years...Petrobas said it needs at least three months to determine how much crude Carioca may hold.
*Saudi Arabia's influence as the biggest oil exporter would wane IF the fields are as big as advertised...China and India would become dominant buyers of Persian Gulf oil
*As a result of the discoveries, Brazil could be pumping ``several million'' barrels of crude daily by 2020, vaulting the nation into the ranks of the world's seven biggest producers.
*The U.S. currently imports about 10 million barrels of oil a day, or 66 percent of its needs, according to the Energy Department in Washington. Saudi Arabia was the second largest supplier in January, behind Canada.
*According to Strategic Forecasting Inc., more discoveries will follow in Brazil's offshore basins, most of which have yet to be opened to exploration. Repsol YPF SA, Exxon Mobile Corp. (XOM) and Devon Energy Corp. (DVN) are among the producers scouring Brazil's waters for reserves.
FINALLY...something to think about..."If the United States isn't getting any crude from the Gulf, what benefit does it have in policing the Gulf anymore? All of the geopolitical flux that wracks that region regularly suddenly isn't our problem." - - Sorry Israel ?
Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/24/08.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
AAPL 1Q08 Earnings Recap
Beat ?: Yes (reported $1.16/share vs estimates of $1.06/share)
Profits --> Up 36% to $1.05 Billion (from $770 million)
Sales --> Up 43% to $7.51 Billion (from $5.26 Billion)
Gross Margins --> Down 2.2% to 32.9% (from 35.1% yoy)
Mac Revenues--> Up 54% yoy
Mac Unit Sales --> Up 51% to 2.289 million Macs
Ipod Revenues --> Up 8% yoy (prob due to better mix re higher ASP's of Ipod Touch)
Ipod Unit Sales --> Up 1% to 10.644 million Ipods
Iphone Unit Sales --> 1.7 million Iphones (no yoy comparison)
Other Highlights + Guidance:
*International sales accounted for 44% of the company's revenues
*International sales grew 47%, U.S. sales grew 40%
*U.S. education business generated Mac unit growth of 35% yoy...highest growth rate in any qtr over the last 8 years
*According to industry survey data published by NPD, Apple's U.S. MP3 marketshare is currently around 73%
*Apple has surpassed Walmart as the largest retailer of music in the U.S.
*Apple's effective Tax Rate for the qtr was 29%, below the analyst expected 32%
*Apple ended the quarter with $19.4 Billion in CASH!
*Lastly, Apple has a well-documented history of guiding conservatively and they kept up that reputation. Per Bloomberg, Apple's profit forecast has now missed analysts' estimates in 9 of the past 10 quarters! Meanwhile, the company has topped its own forecast in each quarter for the past two years! With that said, Apple’s CFO provided the following 2Q08 guidance on their earnings conference call - “Looking ahead to the third quarter of fiscal 2008, we expect revenue of about $7.2 billion and earnings per diluted share of about $1.00.” According to Bloomberg, the street was expecting EPS guidance of $1.10/share.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of AAPL.
Market Quotes - Irrational Market
I've heard this one before quite a few times..not exactly sure who deserves credit though. That's a shame because the above quote is basically a market adage. Bottom line is, Don't be Afraid to CUT your Losses. That capital you free up just might be the difference between you getting wiped out of the market altogether. It really can be that crazy of a 'game' if you do not know what you're doing/investing in. The market moves without'll take your money without giving a turd. For example, like most investors last year, my domestic U.S. financial + retail stocks performed HORRIBLY in 2007. During the Subprime mortgage CARNAGE I forced myself to sell Citigroup (C) down from my cost of 55 to 35. I also gave up and cut my losses on the hideous looking Sears Holdings (SHLD) down from a cost of 180 to 150 (in like 3 weeks BTW). During that same month I chose to liquidate my position in regional bank Downey Financial Corp (cost of 60, sold at 38). Large LOSSES and I def spent a good amount of time kicking myself for those tough, expensive bets that went awry.
With all that said, their prices TODAY (about 6 months later)? Citigroup's at $24.63 (down 30% from my sale) ...Sears is at $96.95 (down 35%) and Downey's trading at $13.37 (down 65%) !
Yeah that doesn't change the fact that I got them wrong in the first place..but props to my guiding DOME for not letting me STAY wrong. A Valuable Lesson fo' sure.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
RTOB: NO COAL for U...S. ? !
SO WHAT if the people and funny politicians of the United States, the "Saudia Arabia of COAL" (don't worry I'll post a World's Largest Coal Reserves REFerence post shortly), aren't about to endorse coal as a viable domestic alternative energy source right NOW amidst $120 crude oil prices? U.S. public opinion is extraordinarily negative on coal because WE still haven't come up with an efficient way to clean up its heavy fuel emissions...thus it remains one of the world's dirtiest burning fossil fuels. In other words, coal is hated in the U.S and as an alternative energy source, it's Al Gore + Global Warming's public enemy #1.
So I'll cede you the U.S. being done with coal for 4 years (ok, maybe 8). Thinking LONG TERM though...
WELCOME TO THE INTERNATIONAL SIDE OF THINGS. Guess who loves the dirty but Oh-So-CHEAP energy that coal provides? Guess which countries can't get enough coal? Guess which countries don't give 2 licks about the U.S. and its opinion on global warming? CHINA AND INDIA. Ok, so maybe India and China will someday care about global warming but that's a ways off...there's actually something fundamentally legit about their current arguments + defense of their continued use of cheap, dirty burning coal. China and India both firmly hold the same principle belief..if the U.S. was able to go through its industrial revolution without environmental restrictions then they should be able to as well. Anything less would unfairly impede their countries' God given rights to economic progress. They are also suspicious of the U.S. using global warming as a political tool to undermine their rapid pace of economic expansion. Random Thought Of Brilliance...Considering they hold the WORLD's Largest Coal reserves, doesn't it only make COMPLETE $ense for the U.S. government to SUPPORT China and India's ravenous consumption of coal (despite maybe putting on a different face in front of the global warming-sensitive U.S. public) ??? YES IT DOES!
ANYWAYS...integral to my coal thesis is My belief that China and India are going to ignore OUR global warming-sensitive opinions and IRONICALLY use GOBS of our AMERICAN coal to power through their own Industrial Revolutions. FYI and according to CNBC, India is expected to import up to 65% more coal in 2008 vs. 2007.
So where is coal going in the short term? I have no idea. A 'global warming-sensitive' democrat in the White House probably can't be good for coal, right? Well at least not for DOMESTIC coal use. Admittedly, I 've probably followed coal the least of all major commodities because I've just been so turned off by its environmental concerns/headwinds (and was also distracted by lots of other fast growing commodities including the usual suspects like crude oil, natural gas, steel, copper, etc.). Now though, with coal prices recently exploding upwards (almost doubling over the past 12 months here in the U.S.), I'm starting to realize that coal, just like so many other commodities today, is an INTERNATIONAL growth story that can probably power on WITHOUT growth from the United States. I've been blinded by my DOMESTIC red, white and blue eyes. Bottom line, I'm starting to believe more in the coal energy thesis. With reserves so LARGE, it's only a matter of time before the 'Capitali$tic' U.S. and U.S. coal companies figure out a way to start making some serious coin off constantly rising INTERNATIONAL energy demands. It's the AMERICAN way. There's JUST too much money at stake..
Lastly, just to share some numbers...check out the below comments from a TRUE coal industry insider per a CNBC interview conducted earlier today with Peabody Energy (BTU) CEO, Gregory Boyce:
*Peabody Energy is the world's largest private sector coal company ($19 Billion marketcap)
*Peabody Energy fuels 10% of the entire U.S.'s electricity generation...they supply 2% of the world's electricity generation
"The prices for some of our products in the international markets are up almost while we've seen increased pricing in the U.S. and we think they will continue to increase, their (the prices) not even keeping up with what's happening on an international basis and THAT is what's driven the strong earnings outlook we were able to provide this morning on our conference call...The U.S. has the largest unused export capacity in the world. We expect net exports out of the U.S. to double over the 2006 to 2008 time frame and they have the capacity to grow even farther through time. So the net effect is that its the global marketplace that is driving the U.S. (coal companies) along with the steady, staid growth in U.S. demand that we've had for many years."
*Net of the net, per the CEO's comments and my own ramblings above, EXPORTS (and NOT domestic usage) is responsible for the current momentum/UPside behind U.S. coal prices + U.S. coal company sales/profits. This export growth also seems like its still in its early stages...
Data Courtesy: CNBC (tv interview).
Monday, April 21, 2008
REF - China's Mobile + Internet User #'s
"At the end of February, China had 565.2 million mobile-phone users, more than the combined populations of the U.S. and Japan, according to data from the Ministry of Information Industry.
China's Internet users totaled 210 million at the end of December, after increasing by 73 million in 2007, the government-backed China Network Information Center said."
*Google, working alongside with China's largest wireless carrier, China Mobile (CHL), expects to process more local Web queries through mobile phones than computers by other words, Google believes mobile-search volume may exceed that from computers in three years !
Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/21/08.
Full Disclosure: I own share of GOOG and BIDU.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
RTOB: Say No To Sinopec
If you're looking to invest in a Chinese OIL stock then no matter what you do you must AVOID Chinese OIL company SINOPEC/China Petroleum and Chemical Corp. (SNP).
Per the above link:
"PetroChina (PTR) and Sinopec have been hit hard by ballooning refining losses since the second half of 2007, because China's retail fuel prices remain lower than international prices under Beijing's tight control amid mounting inflationary pressure (In other words, the Chinese government is manipulating consumer gasoline prices lower than their real internationally established prices...FORCING the domestic Chinese oil refining companies like Sinopec to 'eat' the difference/operate their refining units at a loss...FYI, currently Beijing is regulating gas prices at the subsidized equivalent of $2.90/gallon...FYI all over again, this is also happening in India, another country where the consumer's cost of oil is very much subsidized + eased by the government.)
Sinopec said earlier its refineries would break even if oil prices fall back to $76 a barrel or below (Anecdotally...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If you need $75 oil to BREAK EVEN then your earnings must be facing some serious HEADWINDS in this environment given that crude's at $115/barrel!!)
Sinopec is hit harder by high global oil prices, as it imports about 80% of its total oil needs. PetroChina, on the other hand, imports about 20%-30% of its oil needs."
Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/20/08.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
RTOB: GOOG Back To 700?
It's official, I HUMBLY declare that my Very 1st BLOG entry on Sunday, March 2nd 2008 was PRESCIENT ('A March/April Comeback for Google ?'). I bring this up NOT to gloat (although I do occasionally enjoy basking in the acknowledgement of others) but to briefly revisit my feelings on the GLOBAL Internet superpower, Google, after their GAMECHANGING 1Q08 quarter.
Earlier this week, I went over GOOG's first quarter earnings (please refer to my 'GOOG 1Q08 Earnings Recap' post) and I gotta say...I'm impressed by the fact that I am yet to find any 'flies'/points of concern buried in their quarter. The closest thing I could come up with was pretty darn weak...year over year their effective tax rate decreased by 1% (BIG whoop...probably just a reflection of Google's increasingly international business).
Assuming their qtr ends up being LEGIT (once again I stress it def appears to be after listening to the earnings conference call), I believe Google shares have traction/momentum back to $700 before year end. Acting on this notion, I purchased some additional shares of Google on Friday DESPITE the stock being up 20% or $90/share. For some perspective, even after Friday's 20% jump, shares of Google are STILL down 22% year to date and remain $200 UNDER their 52 week high of $747.24/share!)
*Lastly, Google's RENEWED strength/traction to the upside has got me feeling EVEN better about BAIDU's (BIDU) future prospects as they report their earnings in 5 days...Thursday, April 24th. BTW, headed into their earnings report, BIDU is up 55% the past month !
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GOOG and BIDU.
Friday, April 18, 2008
HAL Of An Oil Services Deal ?
According to the below link from Bloomberg, Halliburton (HAL), the world's 2nd largest oilfield contractor (produces both natural gas + crude oil), is close to issuing an approx $3.5 Billion ALL CASH offer to acquire UK-based Expro International Group.
Some Takeaways:
*Takeovers of companies that make drilling equipment or provide services for energy producers have resulted in more than $45 billion of deals announced so far in 2008
*Expro, which makes equipment to test deep-sea oil wells, would help Halliburton compete with larger rival Schlumberger (SLB) by adding Production Testing to its oilfield services
*Production Testing is performed on actual fluid produced by an oil well in order to gather information about its reservoir
*Companies owned by oil-rich countries, seeking to keep a larger share of revenue, are hiring Halliburton, Schlumberger and other contractors to do work previously handled by international giants such as Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), which require a STAKE in a project
*Expro International currently trades at about 11.9 times earnings before interest tax, depreciation and amortization
*Anecdotally, I LOVE the idea of this being an ALL CASH offer...No dilution for current shareholders of the STOCK!
Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/18/08.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of HAL.
RTOB: CON$UMPTION - Gold vs. Black Gold
An often overlooked Fundamental Difference between the SCARCITY of Crude Oil and Gold:
Both commodities are FINITE resources but one of the key differences between Oil and Gold is tied to their very different 'usage properties' and more specifically, has to do with how and in what manner these commodities are used/consumed.
The consumption of gold does not typically result in the metal's outright physical disappearance from the market/ usually maintains its physical properties and never really 'decomposes'/breaks down. In other words, gold just doesn't get used usually continues to exist (unlike industrial metals like copper, aluminum, zinc, lead and nickel). Meanwhile, when Crude Oil is purchased, it ultimately gets 'physically' consumed because of its valueable energy producing other words, after crude oil gets used it's GONE. Gold tends to stick around...
REF - State Controlled OIL
In other words, public integrated oil companies like Exxon Mobil (XOM), Conoco Phillips (COP), Chevron (CVX), BP, etc., own just a small piece of the total crude oil pie.
Related, check out the below linked article from Newsweek writer, David Victor, on the current set of serious challenges facing Mexico's state-owned oil company, Pemex. In the piece, David highlights a CRITICAL issue related to the state's ownership of oil (vs. private sector ownership) - a track record + higher likelihood of oil production supply inefficiencies:
" Pemex generates two fifth's of the Mexican government's income and is a lucrative employer, but it is ailing from neglect. For years the government has milked Pemex of cash without giving it the wherewithal to invest in and develop new sources of oil...Mexico is hardly the only country that treats its state oil companies as ATMs for governments, unions, cronies and others who siphon the rich benefits for themselves. A large fraction of the world's oil patch is struggling with the problem that bedevils Calderon: how to make state-owned oil companies more effective at finding and producing oil. Veneuzuela's oil output is flagging. Russia's state-owned gas company, Gazprom, is on the edge of a steep decline in production..."
Net of the net, looks like another Fundamental reason to be BULLISH on the long term supply-constrained pricing prospects of Crude Oil.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of COP.
IDKT - Nigeria, Oil + The U.S.
...Per respected Commodities trader Dennis Gartman, in any given month Nigeria is either the 2nd, 3rd or 4th Largest Crude Oil Supplier to the United States.
Guess I need to start paying more attention to the geopolitical stability of Nigeria..
*FYI, OIL closed today, 4/18/08 at $116.69/barrel (UP 278% from the January 2004 price of $30.81/barrel!)
Tracking The Dollar
Thursday, April 17, 2008
HOLY BLiStering Growth MARIO
My Takeaways:
*Video Game SOFTWARE sales rose 63% to $945 million...expect more of the same thanks to 2008's strong software line-up (please refer to my "Gamestop's All Star Line-Up" post for the Star-Studed Ro$ter)
*Video Game Hardware sales rose 46% to $550 million
*On the Hardware front, Nintendo continues to kick some MAJOR a$$ (Wii + the DS)..their not doing too shabby in software sales either (#1 Super Smash Bros.)
*The Xbox 360 and PS3 basically shipped the same numbers in March 2008 (250K)...its probably a NET Positive for the video game industry as a whole if the PS3 continues this positive sales trend of making inroads against Xbox 360 sales...wonder if the BluRay factor is finally starting to matter...
*Sony's older PlayStation 2 console stayed strong as it sold 216,000 consoles last month (interesting...had no idea that 'old' console was still putting up solid numbers..def underestimated its 'staying power'...)
"You'd never know that the U.S. economy was under distress by looking at the video games industry sales figures," NPD analyst Anita Frazier said in a statement. "Year-To-Date GROWTH is a rock-solid 27 Percent through March 2008."...The amazing year-over-year increase in software sales isn't just explained by a few top games...As compared to last March, TWICE as many SKU's achieved sales in excess of 100K units this month."
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
The MARCH 2008 Numbers:
Software: $945.6m (+63%)
Hardware: $551.3m (+46%)
Accessories: $220m (+58%)
Total Games: $1.7 billion (+57%)
Nintendo Wii--721,000
Nintendo DS--698,000
PlayStation Portable--297,000
Xbox 360--262,000
PlayStation 3--257,000
PlayStation 2--216,000
Title / Publisher / Release Date / Units
1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) / Nintendo / March 2008 / 2.7 Million
2. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2* (360) / Ubisoft / March 2008 / 752.3K
3. Army of Two (360) / Electronic Arts / March 2008 / 606.1K
4. Wii Play w/ Remote (Wii) / Nintendo / Feb. 2007 / 409.8K
5. God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP) / Sony / March 2008 / 340.5K
6. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP) / Square Enix / March 2008 / 301.6K
7. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Wii) / Activision / Oct. 2007 / 264.1K
8. MLB 2K8 (360) / Take-Two Interactive / March 2008 / 237.1K
9. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare* (360) / Activision / Nov. 2007 / 237K
10. Army of Two (PS3) / Electronic Arts / March 2008 / 224.9K
*Includes Collector's, Limited, Legendary, Bundles (Guitars) Editions
Data Courtesy: +
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GME.
GOOG 1Q08 Earnings Recap
Beat ?: YES ! (reported $4.12/share vs. analysts' consensus of $3.96/share)
Profit --> Up 30% to $1.31 Billion (from $1.0 Billion)
Sales --> Up 42% to $5.19 Billion (from $3.66 Billion)
Other Highlights + Guidance:
*Google-owned sites generated $3.4 Billion or 66% of total revenue for the qtr...a 49% yoy increase
*Google's partner sites (AdSense Network) generated $1.69 Billion or 33% of total revenue for the qtr...a 25% yoy increase
*International Sales accounted for 51% of total revenues or $2.65 Billion (compared to 47% last year)
*Keeping currency rates constant year over year, international sales would have been lower by about 8% or $202 million
*2008 year over year International Sales Gowth = 54%
*Constant Currency Adjusted 2008 year over year International Sales Growth = 42%
*Paid Clicks (the frequency at which users click on Google-site advertising) grew 20% yoy...however the Paid Clicks rate is decelerating as Paid Clicks in 1Q07 grew 52% over 1Q06
*Google's 1Q08 Effective Tax Rate was 24% (down from 25% in 1Q07)
*Google's CASH position as of 3/31/08 was $12.1 Billion !
*As of 3/31/08, Google's total employee count was 19.2K employees
*Google purchased Doubleclick Inc. in March 2008 for $3.1 Billion...since then Google has laid off about 10% of DoubleClick's 1,200 employees
"It's clear to us we're well positioned for 2008 and beyond...We're well positioned should economics change. We'll continue to do well because our advertising is so targeted." - Google CEO, Eric Schmidt
Full Disclosure: I currently own shares of GOOG.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Gamestop's All Star Line-Up
*FYI, I care about this because I am currently trying to exploit growth in this industry via my ownership of Gamestop Corp. (GME). Gamestop is one of the world's largest video game retailers (they currently operate over 5.25K stores WW).
*Gran Turismo 5 - 4/15/08
*Mario Kart Wii - 4/27/08
*Grand Theft Auto 4 - 4/29/08
*Wii Fit - 5/21/08
*Ninja Gaiden 2 - 6/03/08
*Metal Gear Solid 4 - 6/12/08
*Rock Band Wii - 6/22/08
*Sould Caliber 4 - 6/24/08
*Guitar Hero Aerosmith - 6/28/08
*Saints Row 2 - 8/26/08
*Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 9/16/08
*Gears Of War 2 - November 2008 (4Q08)
*World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich King - 11/03/08
*Resistance: Fall Of Man 2 - 11/04/08
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GME.
NO Global Slowdown in Steel
Some Quick Takeaways from the article:
*BILLIONAIRE Lakshmi Mittal (CEO of ArcelorMittal) bought Arcelor for $38.3 billion back in 2006 to boost bargaining power with customers such as Toyota Motor Corp (TM). The company (MT), which now controls about 10 percent of global steel production, became the largest steelmaker in the U.S. in April 2005 after Mittal's Ispat Inland unit bought Wilbur Ross' International Steel Group.
*ArcelorMittal (MT), the world's largest steelmaker, plans to boost prices on some contracted steel shipments in the U.S. by $250 a ton (or about 33%)
*U.S. prices for flat-rolled steel rose to $740 a ton in March from $665 a month earlier, according to Purchasing magazine...Hot-rolled coil, another key industry product may now cost a record $1,000 a ton on the spot market
*U.S. steel prices are climbing even as U.S. demand stagnates because higher prices in other regions and a weak dollar are attracting the exports usually destined for North America.
*The U.S. needs to import steel because domestic producers make only about 100 million tons a year while the nation uses about 130 million tons.
Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/16/08.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
RTOB: BAIDU Thesis + Music Downloads
Does My Long Term investability thesis behind China's #1 Internet SEARCH market share leader (60% of the Chinese market), BAIDU -
("The Google of China"......EXCEPT that RELATIVE to Google:
1.) BIDU is Younger --> BIDU is a whopping 2 years younger than Google. BIDU was founded in 2000 vs Google which was founded in 1998. (OK that officially turned out to be a lot weaker of an argument than I originally thought it would be...GOOG's a mature beast, HOW the heck were they able to grow into a $140 Billion business in only 10 years!?!)
2.) BIDU Possesses a MarketCap 1/14 the SIZE --> As hinted above, Google's current market capitalization/valuation is $140 BILLION as of today's $447/share closing price. Bidu's valuation is less than $10 billion reflecting today's closing $288 price tag.
3.) BIDU has its own Uniquely LARGE, local market that possesses its own UNIQUE market operating dynamics (CHINA) --> Referring to my REFerence post on the World's largest populations, China has 1.3 BILLION citizens vs. the U.S.'s 300 million...said differently, China has 400% or 4 times more the amount of potential web consumers than the United States. Clearly the addressable internet web search market is larger in China vs. the Google-dominated United States.
And OK sure, I'll cede you the point that the U.S. is much more affluent and the architecture + dynamics of their "Internet industry" is much more further along than communist China's RUSTY web enabling infrastructure. GUESS WHAT THOUGH? In the grand scheme of things that little tidbit of undeveloped web infra doesn't really mean anything to my thesis because I believe the INTERNET is here to STAY with us in some fashion or form for the rest of our lives as a REAL medium (like television, radio, etc.). The economic efficiencies of the Internet are just too powerful to allow the medium to go bust. ULTIMATELY, that notion means that the other less advanced 'web infra-structured' countries ultimately have to catch up if they want to compete in an increasingly GLOBALIZING world...and they will..just a matter of time (thinking + recent ideas like Google's press for free nationwide wireless Internet access makes this DREAM closer to becoming reality)...AND all part of my Master BROADER B.R.I.C. + ROW industrial revolution process investing thesis.
4.) BIDU is still in its Earnings Growth PRIME and is growing profits + sales FASTER than Google--> Compare the most recent quarterly and annual Net Income (profits) + Revenue (sales) GROWTH RATES of both companies' using financial/news recap data provided by Google/Yahoo Finance.)
- Have CRACKS (keep up) if the Chinese government makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Baidu to continue profiting (via user clicks + site visits) from its convenient + UNAUTHORIZED distribution of free (albeit COPYRIGHTED) music ?
The below linked Henry Blodget (tech sector market commentator) article FORCED me to PONDER this as Blodget states, Baidu " attracts users in a significant part by facilitating easy access to free music".
Need to figure out What % of BAIDU's Total Internet Search Traffic is linked to users simply accessing free, copyrighted music...If this ends up being a relatively large % then this could put a potential caveat on my current BAIDU investability thesis...Does Google (GOOG) also offer easy access to copyrighted music in China...and if so, to what extent is GOOG's total Chinese Internet search traffic tied to this?
1.) If Google is not currently involved in this somewhat taboo biz (taboo to me because as a full-fledged CAPITALIST I believe strongly in the notion that all copyrighted material should be my opinion, there's arguably no greater stimulus for fostering economic creativity + solutions than protecting 'owner' rights)
2.) the Chinese government does indeed eventually limit BIDU in its unauthorized distribution of proprietary content (in this example 'music'...which could also be a 'slippery slope' by the way given China's internationally infamous issues re bootlegging of products including music, movies, video games, software, etc.), then Can Google gain incremental share vs. BAIDU in the Chinese Internet search market?
*With respect to my own above posted questions/concerns, China's RICH + LONG STANDING history of BOOTLEGGING proprietary content (music, software, video games, technology..) should NOT be ignored.
Perhaps this is no more than a 'PHANTOM/Fake' concern given that this issue might just illustrate a fundamental and CORE difference between how two societies (China and the whom identifies itself as communist and the other whom identifies itself as capitalist) view + respect the individual rights of owners/citizens !
Full Disclosure: I own shares of BIDU and GOOG.