Guess he wasn't done.
Aubrey's back and just disclosed another purchase of CHK company stock. On Wednesday, the CEO of CHK bought 500,000 MORE shares at an average price of $45.75/share. additional $22.875 million worth of shares!
Since February 26th of THIS year, Aubrey's bought over $73 MILLION worth of company stock!
Bottom line, Aubrey's buying bolsters my own bullish feelings for the near term outlook of natural gas stocks (FYI, I'm participating in the current Nat gas bull run via being long shares of natural gas driller/producers Halliburton, HAL + Conoco Phillips, COP)
*Lastly, it should be noted that CNBC market commentator, JIM CRAMER, is currently a huge natural gas bull..but Not just for the immediate short term.
Cramer recently stated that, "Nat gas could be in the early innings of a newfound RENAISSANCE after several years in the wilderness..."
He believes that natural gas, which is -
* DOMESTIC (plenty of Nat gas reserves available in the U.S...What is this 'foreign oil' you speak of?),

* ABUNDANT (relative to the reserves of other energy commodities like crude oil + ethanol)
And one of the
* CLEANEST burning fossil fuels, may be the BIGGEST energy resource commodity beneficiary of a Democratic White House.
And one of the
* CLEANEST burning fossil fuels, may be the BIGGEST energy resource commodity beneficiary of a Democratic White House.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of HAL and COP.