*FYI, I care about this because I am currently trying to exploit growth in this industry via my ownership of Gamestop Corp. (GME). Gamestop is one of the world's largest video game retailers (they currently operate over 5.25K stores WW).
*Gran Turismo 5 - 4/15/08
*Mario Kart Wii - 4/27/08
*Grand Theft Auto 4 - 4/29/08
*Wii Fit - 5/21/08
*Ninja Gaiden 2 - 6/03/08
*Metal Gear Solid 4 - 6/12/08
*Rock Band Wii - 6/22/08
*Sould Caliber 4 - 6/24/08
*Guitar Hero Aerosmith - 6/28/08
*Saints Row 2 - 8/26/08
*Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 9/16/08
*Gears Of War 2 - November 2008 (4Q08)
*World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich King - 11/03/08
*Resistance: Fall Of Man 2 - 11/04/08

Data Courtesy: Videogames.com.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GME.
Full Disclosure: I own shares of GME.