Rank / Country - Total Reserves…WW Share %
*World – 909,064 GIGATONS…100%
1 United States of America - 246,643…27.1% WW Share
2 Russia - 157,010…17.3%
3 China - 114,500…12.6%
4 India - 92,445…10.2%
5 Australia - 78,500…8.6%
6 South Africa - 48,750…5.4%
7 Ukraine - 34,153…3.8%
8 Kazakhstan - 31,279…3.4%
9 Poland - 14,000…1.5%
10 Brazil - 10,113…1.1%
11 Germany - 6,739…0.7%
12 Colombia - 6,611…0.7%
13 Canada - 6,578…0.7%
14 Czech Republic - 5,552…0.6%
15 Indonesia - 4,968…0.5%
16 Turkey - 4,186…0.5%
17 Greece - 3,900…0.4%
18 Hungary - 3,357…0.4%
19 Pakistan - 3,050…0.3%
20 Bulgaria - 2,187…0.2%
21 Thailand - 1,354…0.1%
22 North Korea - 600…0.1%
23 New Zealand - 571…0.1%
24 Spain - 530…0.1%
25 Zimbabwe - 502…0.1%
26 Romania - 494…0.1%
27 Venezuela – 479…0.1%
*World – 909,064 GIGATONS…100%
1 United States of America - 246,643…27.1% WW Share
2 Russia - 157,010…17.3%
3 China - 114,500…12.6%
4 India - 92,445…10.2%
5 Australia - 78,500…8.6%
6 South Africa - 48,750…5.4%
7 Ukraine - 34,153…3.8%
8 Kazakhstan - 31,279…3.4%
9 Poland - 14,000…1.5%
10 Brazil - 10,113…1.1%
11 Germany - 6,739…0.7%
12 Colombia - 6,611…0.7%
13 Canada - 6,578…0.7%
14 Czech Republic - 5,552…0.6%
15 Indonesia - 4,968…0.5%
16 Turkey - 4,186…0.5%
17 Greece - 3,900…0.4%
18 Hungary - 3,357…0.4%
19 Pakistan - 3,050…0.3%
20 Bulgaria - 2,187…0.2%
21 Thailand - 1,354…0.1%
22 North Korea - 600…0.1%
23 New Zealand - 571…0.1%
24 Spain - 530…0.1%
25 Zimbabwe - 502…0.1%
26 Romania - 494…0.1%
27 Venezuela – 479…0.1%
Other Notes:
*The United States Energy Information Administration gives world reserves as 998 billion short tons (equal to 905 gigatonnes) with approximately half of it being 'hard coal'...at the current production rate, this would last 164 years.
*The 998 billion tons of recoverable coal reserves estimated by the Energy Information Administration are equal to about 4,417 BBOE (billion barrels of oil equivalent).
*The United States Energy Information Administration gives world reserves as 998 billion short tons (equal to 905 gigatonnes) with approximately half of it being 'hard coal'...at the current production rate, this would last 164 years.
*The 998 billion tons of recoverable coal reserves estimated by the Energy Information Administration are equal to about 4,417 BBOE (billion barrels of oil equivalent).
*The U.S. is the 'Saudi Arabia' of COAL...owning nearly 30% of the world's proven coal reserves !
*Lastly, check out the below interesting diagram courtesy of Wiki outlining WHERE the U.S.'s country coal reserves are located:

Data Courtesy: Wikipedia.com, snagged on 4/30/08.