Wednesday, April 30, 2008

REF - World's Largest COAL EXPORTERS

According to data from 2003-2005, the World's Largest COAL EXPORTERS (million tons):

Country - Yearly Exports: 2003...2004...2005
*Total - 713.9...764.0...804.2

1. Australia - 238.1...247.6...257.6
2. Indonesia - 107.8...131.4...147.6
3. China - 103.4...95.5...79.0
4. South Africa - 78.7...74.9...77.5
5. South America (cumulative) - 57.8...65.9...68.8
6. Russia - 41.0...55.7...62.3
7. United States - 43.0...48.0...49.9
8. Canada - 27.7...28.8...31.0
9. Poland - 16.4...16.3...16.4
10. Vietnam - N/A...10.3...14.1

*ANECDOTALLY, looks like the U.S. (aka the SAUDI ARABIA OF COAL) has some room to UP Coal Export capacity...

Data Courtesy:, snagged on 4/30/08.