In a widely anticipated move today, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced the company's 2nd generation iPHONE during a developer's conference in San Francisco (link to a video of the Keynote is at the bottom of this post). According to Macrumors.com, here's a Quick look at some of the DETAILS of APPLE's (AAPL) New 3G iPhone:
* Availability --> The 3G iPhone will be available beginning July 11th, 2008 in 22 countries...While the first iPhone was sold in only 6 countries, Apple expects to roll out the new 3G iPhone in over 70 !
* Price --> The 8 GB 3G iPhone version will sell for $199...the 16 GB version will cost $299...For the unlimited data plan the iPhone will cost about $70/month.
* Battery Life --> 300 hours of standby...2G talk-time now has 10 hours (as opposed to 5)...5 hours of 3G talk-time (most phones only have 3 hour 3G talk time)...5 to 6 hours of high-speed Internet browsing...7 hours of video...24 hours of audio.

* Internet --> Comparing download speeds between 3G and EDGE (the first iPhone's data network), 3G finished in 21 seconds vs. EDGE which finished in 59 seconds....the 3G Iphone's download speeds are 2.8X faster + approaching WiFi speeds (WiFi scored 17 seconds)...When compared to other 3G phone peers (Nokia N95 and Treo 750), the iPhone is 36% faster.

* Enterprise --> Complete support for Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, and now PowerPoint)...Offers business email access to the Microsoft Exchange server (Microsoft Outlook)...Businesses can now also create + distribute specific iPhone apps to their employees. They authorize iPhones within their enterprise and then create applications that just run on those phones. The apps can then be distributed through their Intranet.
* GPS --> will now be integrated into the iPhone (sorry Garmin/GRMN)
*Other interesting Keynote details:
- In Apple's joint 3rd party software development kit (SDK) model for the iPhone, Apple receives 30% of TOTAL 3rd Party Application sales (the 3rd party software developers keep 70% of total app revenue)
- In Apple's SDK model, the 3rd party developers determine the price on apps/software sold for the iPhone
- In the U.S., Apple's wireless partner, AT&T Inc. (T), will be subsidizing the new iPhone and requiring buyers to sign a two-year service contract. Gene Munster, an analyst at Piper Jaffray, estimated that AT&T might be paying Apple as much as $499 per iPhone, though Apple and AT&T declined to disclose the actual number
- Currently the iPhone is sold in only 6 countries...Apple plans to expand the Roll Out of its New 3G iPhone to 70 countries over the next several months including:
* 15 countries in South + Central America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay
* 29 countries in Europe: UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey
* 8 countries in Asia + Australia: Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Macau, New Zealand, Philippines and Singapore
* 3 countries in North America: Canada, Mexico and the United States
...While India, Brazil and Japan are on the list I should note that I did not see China or Russia included as iPhone markets in Apple's presentation
*Lastly, check out the below Apple.com link to view video of the Steve Jobs 3G iPhone + SDK (software development kit) Keynote from today:
Data Courtesy: MacRumors.com
Full Disclosure: I own shares of AAPL.