*At current production and consumption rates, Indonesia's COAL reserves are expected to last about 130 years, while oil and gas would last just 20 and 60 years respectively
*Coal is expected to account for 30% of Indonesia's total energy mix by the year 2025
*Domestic coal demand in Indonesia is expected to reach at least 90 million tons a year by 2010, up 80 percent from 50 million tons a year currently
*Yusgiantoro said the country's move to use more coal comes 1.) amid surging oil prices and 2.) dwindling oil + gas reserves
*FYI, Indonesia is the world's 2nd largest exporter of coal (Australia is #1)...Indonesia holds the world's 15th largest amount of coal reserves (The U.S. is #1 holding almost 30% of the world's total supply of coal)
Indonesia's robust domestic coal demand forecast implies that the country will have to cut down their coal exports in the not to distant future (#2 coal exporter in the world)...further tightening available worldwide coal supplies in an already TIGHT export market...I believe this development creates a tremendous Long Term Growth opportunity for the U.S. (the 'Saudi Arabia of COAL') and, more specifically, U.S. coal companies that could ultimately benefit via Explosive Exports Earnings growth (assuming of course foolish U.S. politicians don't get in the way !)