* Coal is produced domestically in 26 states encompassing 3 Major Producing Regions:
1. Appalachian (34% of total production - Texas, Indiana, Illinois, etc.)
2. Interior (13% of total production - West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania)
3. Western (53% of total production - Wyoming, Montana, Colorado)
* The bulk of coal production domestically comes from the Western Region and the state of Wyoming...the Western Region accounted for 53% of total U.S. coal production in 2006
WYOMING is by far the Largest Coal Producing State in the U.S...some interesting Wyoming coal production stats:
* 38.5% of the U.S.'s TOTAL Coal production in 2006 was mined in WYOMING (next largest state producer is West Virgina with 13% share...3rd is Kentucky with 8% share...and 4th is Pennsylvania with 6% share)
* Wyoming’s “Black Thunder Mine” mine individually produced more coal than 23 other coal producing states
* Wyoming accounted for about 72% of the Western Region production total
* Wyoming produced 56.9 million short tons more than the entire Appalachian Region in 2006
* Wyoming's 2006 production was almost 3 times the production of the Interior Region
Data Courtesy: EIA