*For reference's sake I'm including below a couple of the more interesting charts I found on page 42 of the report (Double-click the images for a much needed larger view...per the color key below, Grey = Coal...Blue = Hydroelectricity...Orange = Nuclear...Red = Natural Gas...Green= Crude Oil):

*A couple of notes/observations per the Above Charts + Report:
A.) Ranking WW 2007 Consumption by Source (from most to least):
1. Crude Oil - 36%
2. Coal - 29%
3. Natural Gas - 24%
4. Hydroelectricity - 6%
5. Nuclear Energy - 5%
B.) REGIONAL Consumption by Source Breakdown:
* CRUDE OIL accounted for: 51% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption...46% of South America's...40% of North America's...40% of Africa's...32% of Europe's and 31% of AP's 2007 energy consumption
* COAL accounted for: 50% of the Asia Pacific's 2007 energy consumption...31% of Africa's...22% of NA's...18% of Europe's...4% of SA's and 1% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption
* NATURAL GAS accounted for: 47% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption...35% of Europe's...26% of NA's...22% of SA's...22% of Africa's and 11% of AP's 2007 energy consumption
* NUCLEAR accounted for: 9% of Europe's 2007 energy consumption...8% of NA's...3% of AP's...0.8% of SA's...0.8% of Africa's and 0% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption
* HYDROELECTRICITY accounted for: 28% of SA's 2007 energy consumption...6% of Europe's...6% of Africa's...5% of NA's...5% of AP's and 0.9% of the Mid East's 2007 energy consumption
C.) B.R.I.C, U.S. + Canada Consumption by Source:
BRAZIL: 45% Oil, 39% Hydro, 9% NGas, 6% Coal and 1% Nuclear
RUSSIA: 57% NGas, 18% Oil, 14% Coal, 6% Hydro and 5% Nuclear
INDIA: 51% Coal, 32% Oil, 9% NGas, 7% Hydro and 1% Nuclear
CHINA: 70% Coal, 20% Oil, 6% Hydro, 3% NGas and 1% Nuclear
UNITED STATES: 40% Oil, 25% NGas, 24% Coal, 8% Nuclear and 3% Hydro
CANADA: 32% Oil, 26% Hydro, 26% NGas, 9% Coal, and 7% Nuclear
D.) Other Misc. Regional notes:
- The Asia Pacific region consumes much more coal than anyone else (by far)...about 50% of AP's total 2007 energy consumption was coal (as noted above, India = 51% and CHINA = 70% COAL!)
- Europe consumes more nuclear energy than anyone else...about 9% of Europe's total 2007 energy consumption was nuclear (North America runs a close second with 8%)
- Relative to their total energy consumption, South America consumes much more hydroelectric power than anyone else...about 28% of SA's total 2007 energy consumption was hydro power (mostly Brazil as 39% of Brazil's total 2007 energy consumption was hydroelectricity)
- The Middle East is almost exclusively reliant on Oil and Gas (surprise, surprise) with both fuels accounting for a total of 98% of the Mid East's energy needs in 2007
- Relative to their total energy consumption, South America consumes much more hydroelectric power than anyone else...about 28% of SA's total 2007 energy consumption was hydro power (mostly Brazil as 39% of Brazil's total 2007 energy consumption was hydroelectricity)
- The Middle East is almost exclusively reliant on Oil and Gas (surprise, surprise) with both fuels accounting for a total of 98% of the Mid East's energy needs in 2007
Data Courtesy: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2008